Written policies and procedures for anti harassment and anti abuse

First, the purpose of
We respect the dignity of every employee, protect the legitimate rights of every employee, and make sure to create a living environment for the employees without harassment and abuse.
Two, the person in charge
The general manager is responsible for the management of the middle level of education to enable them to understand the policies of anti harassment and abuse of employees, and to sign a statement.
The trade union is responsible for the handling of complaints about harassment and abuse.
Three, the form of abuse
1, physical aspects: the use or threat to use corporal punishment. The following acts are physical abuse:
A) a slap in the face, push a person or other forms of malicious physical contact.
B) penalty station.
C) will run or clean as a disciplinary measure.
2, verbal aspects: the staff of sharp voice rap, threat or use of words and phrases. The following acts are verbal abuse:
A) to shout, shout to the staff.
B) use a rude word, use a threat or low-level language, and insult the employee with an insult.
3, psychological: the use of speech or action to try to reduce employee self-esteem. For example, to allow employees to wear special clothing or hat
Indicates that it is: "the worst performance of the workers".
4, other forms of abuse:
A) refuse to provide rest, no or limited use of water supply facilities, toilets, medical care, medical treatment and other essential facilities.
B) in the non working hours of unreasonable restrictions on employee action.
For example: meal time, work and rest, to limit the staff on the toilet, drink water or go to a doctor.
C) to prohibit employees to join the union, the union members have take revenge behavior.
Four, the form of harassment
1, the general view of the following acts as a form of sexual harassment:
A) put forward to the employee requirement.
B) an unpopular sexual comment, opinion, or request, or a physical act with a sexual nature.
Safety measures for gender without consideration of C.
D) with provocative language, behavior or other improper way of employees.
E) display pornographic materials to employees, etc..
F) other words and actions that have a tendency to sexual stigma.
2, general harassment search him or personal items.
Five, communication and Implementation
Such as managers or other employees such as the office of a behavior, employees can be complained in several ways: 1, the complaint letters to the employees.
2, through the company's trade union representative or employee representative to make a complaint.
3, to the higher authorities of the complaints or complaints to the personnel department.
4, directly to the chairman or general manager of the complaint.
Six, feedback and control
In order to protect the privacy of employees and to prevent the employee from reporting the harassment and abuse of the incident, the complaints of harassment and abuse of all
Event, the first person to accept the event shall not disclose to any third party event content, and in the first time to notify the personnel department,
Be responsible for the investigation. In the course of the investigation, the survey participants must strictly abide by the principle of confidentiality, in addition to the parties,
Do not disclose to others the incident and content of the investigation.
Disciplinary action
1, after an investigation confirmed harassment, abuse or discrimination behavior, according to the severity degree, punishable by immediate dismissal, suspension, change jobs, written warning or a verbal warning.
2, is a responsible person should sign a suspended event, admit that they understand the situation; if any punishment within 30 days
In the form of harassment or abuse of speech or behavior, the company will immediately dismiss the employee.
3, harassment, abuse incident responsible person must apologize to the staff.
4, for harassment, abuse incident responsible person, the company to preach or training, and other ways to help them correct attitude or behavior.
5, if the legal requirements, the harassment, abuse or discrimination against the responsible person must be reported and handed over to the local law enforcement agencies.
6, workers with the following fields external contacts contact to help solve the harassment or abuse in the title: representatives of trade unions, non governmental organizations, women's groups, medical institutions, respected members of the community, local brand stands for.
  • Address:No.7 Baihao Gongye Street, houjie
      town, Dongguan
  • Contacts:+86 13728302808/Mr. Huang
  • Tel:+86 769-81522281/81522282


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